Idea Hotel

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Thursday, August 18, 2005

My Code Name was "Vicuna"

On October 29, 20--, Harry sent me a clipping from the The Economist which turned out to an advertisement for a clandestine career with the Central Intelligence Agency, with the subtitle, "Possibly, the most demanding job in the world."

GO FOR IT! As you know your uncle Harry spent a number of years in the intelligence services as a special agent. If you want advise (sp) simply give me a call . . .

My Code name was "Vicuna"
Vicuna? What the hell did that mean? According to Bonny Doon Alpacas:

Vicunas are the spirit and the life blood of the camelid families living in the high Andes. Unfortunately, due to their very valuable fleece vicunas were nearly hunted to extinction by the late l970s. Conservation efforts in Peru, Chile and Argentina have led to a phenomenal resurgence in vicuna populations. Once again, due to careful management, vicunas can be found in healthy numbers in the Andes.
Here is a picture of a Vicuna:

The Vicuna lends some insight into the operations against NK, possibly suggesting a mountainous area of operations and patrol. However, the ocean always figures prominently in Harry's long and sustained dream. Apropos, the young Vicuna is easily distracted from the rest of the herd by the sound of the waves below.


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