Idea Hotel

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Monday, September 14, 2009

How to lose all your Facebook friends in 30 days or less

You've heard of the book "How to Make People Like You in 90 Seconds or Less"? Well this here's a great way to lose all your Facebook friends in 30 days or less.

Use Facebook status as your personal soapbox.
That's so cool you joined that new pyramid scheme/religion/political movement. Here's a great way to get the message out: Facebook status. Tell your network about it everyday,and give them helpful links to your Pre-Paid legal personal website. Your mentors will be encouraging you to tap your natural market, and thanks to Web 2.0 technology, it's really easy to spread the world to your whole family, your coworkers, current friends, and past acquaintances you've re-connected with over the past year. Make sure to give them the pin code to that Primerca Conference Call.

Spiritual Desert (Dessert?)
It's well known that most people are lost in the spiritual wilderness, and a great way to share God's love is to broadcast inspirational passages from Rick Warren's Purpose Driven Life via facebook. People are usually happy to see these messages in the midst of their work day, when the world's pressure is the heaviest. Make sure not to quote the Bible directly; just quote from hip new christian writers.

Politics as Usual
If you are trying to promote a political agenda, remember that although not everyone shares your beliefs, they are really interested in hearing yours. Try really hard to drive the point home by joining political fanpages and sharing this with everyone.