Idea Hotel

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Tuesday, December 20, 2005

What happened to CortiSlim?

Los Angeles Times had this article about our favorite weight loss pill, CortiSlim:

A legal skirmish with the Federal Trade Commission has pushed the maker of CortiSlim, a purported diet pill, into federal bankruptcy court.

Last week, Brea-based Window Rock Enterprises Inc. filed for Chapter 11 protection from its creditors in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Santa Ana.

The company was sued in September 2004 by the Federal Trade Commission, which alleged that Window Rock falsely claimed CortiSlim spurred weight loss.

Two co-defendants, chemist Shawn Talbott and marketer Thomas Cheng, have settled with the FTC, agreeing to pay $4.5 million in cash and assets. But Window Rock still faces an FTC claim of $160 million, which represents the company's revenue from CortiSlim at the time the lawsuit was filed.
Remember CortiSlim's massive media campaign? I could barely drive home from work without hearing three commercials starting spokeman Greg Cynaumon peddling this pill like some traveling chemist town selling Elixirs to hapless farmers. Cynaumon was apparently a former negotiator for the police. Well, I wonder if he will be any help negotiating with the FTC and FDA agents beating down Window Rock's doors.

The sad thing is, what if this pill actually works? There's alot of talk out there by pill peddlars that indicates the FDA is in bed with food and drug manufacturers in america. Who knows? But government has been rife with corruption recently. look at the recent political appointments and congressman falling into disrepute due to corruption scandals, not to mention the contract signed by Halliburton . . . is a ideal of corrupt FDA and FTC so apocryphal?


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